Kamis, 14 Desember 2017


            Pantera adalah kelompok musik heavy metal dari Arlington, Texas yang dibentuk pada 1981. Mereka adalah salah satu pelopor genre musik groove metal. Pantera tidak menjadi terkenal sampai 9 tahun setelah dibentuk dengan album Cowboys from Hell. Sebelum itu mereka adalah kelompok glam rock yang telah menerbitkan 4 album. Keempat...

Senin, 11 Desember 2017


          Jasad adalah band dengan genre Death Metal yang lahir dari bandung. Nama jasad pada awalnya di cetuskan oleh yuli, Ia memilih nama Jasad dengan alasan ingin memberi kesan seram tapi tetap dalam bahasa Indonesia. Band ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak 1990 namun, banyak literatur yang beredar di dunia maya menyebutkan Jasad didirikan...

Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Iron Maiden

         Band Iron Maiden pertama kali dibentuk di London, Inggris, pada tahun 1976, Iron Maiden adalah dari awal merupakan gagasan Steve Harris (b. 12 Maret 1957, Leytonstone, London, Inggris; bass), mantan anggota pub rock Smiler. Dinamai setelah perangkat penyiksaan abad pertengahan, musik itu cocok berat dan keras di indra. Adegan logam...

Rabu, 06 April 2011


       Formed in Canada, 1992, the band started out with the name Necrosis but soon changed it to Cryptopsy. The first and only demo was called "Ungentle Exhumation" and was released in the following year. In 1994 their first full-length was released, "Blasphemy Made Flesh", and it gained them succes and a good reputation in the underground. In...

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Decrepit Birth is a technical death metal band from Santa Cruz, California, USA, signed to Nuclear Blast. They have released three studio albums through Unique Leader Records and a demo independently. All of their studio albums feature artwork by renowned fantasy artist Dan Seagrave. Their latest album, Polarity, was released on July 27, 2010. Prelude to the Apocalypse...

  Dying Fetus is an American death metal band from Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Formed in 1991, the group is known for their outspoken political views, and for being one of the few death metal bands who follow a political nature. Earlier lyrics showcased the common death metal trait of explicit violence as its main theme. Constant line-up changes throughout the years...

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

The original crushing grind/death mixture from New York, Suffocation fused the predominant rhythmic styles of death and speed metal with grindcore song constructions to start a new subgenre of music. Suffocation - Human Waste(1991) Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten (1991) Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn (1993) Suffocation - Pierced From Within (1995) Suffocation...
